
Provides the XmlReader interface. All functions may return nil plus an error message if LibXML2 reports an error.


Moves the position of reader to the next node in the stream. Returns true if the node was read successfully, false if there are no more nodes to be read.


Reads the contents of the current node's child nodes, does not include the tags of the current node. Returns a string containing the XML content, or nil plus an error message if the current node is neither an element nor attribute, or has no child nodes.


Reads the contents of the current node, including child nodes and markup. Returns a string containing the XML content, or nil plus an error message if the current node is neither an element nor attribute, or has no child nodes.


Reads the contents of an element of a text node as a string. Returns a string or nil plus an error message if the reader is position on any other type of node.


Parses an attribute value into one or more Text and EntityReference nodes. Returns true in case of success, false if the reader was not positioned on an attribute node or all the attribute value have been read.

Retrieve information about the current node

These methods do not move the reader.


The number of attributes of the current node.


The depth of the node in the tree.


Returns a boolean indicating whether the current node has attributes.


Returns a boolean indicating whether the current node can have an associated text value.


Returns a boolean indicating whether the current node is an attribute that was generated from the default value defined in the DTD or schema.


Returns a boolean indicating whether the current node is an empty element.


Returns the node type of the current node as a string. Possible types are:


Returns the quotation mark character of an attribute - either " or '.


Returns the read state of the reader as a string, which is one of "initial", "interactive", "error", "eof", "closed" or "reading".


Returns a boolean indicating whether the current node is a namespace declaration rather than a regular attribute.


Returns the base URI of the current node or nil if it is not available (e.g.
when parsing an in-memory string). A networked XML document may be comprised of chunks of data aggregated using various W3C standard inclusion mechanisms.
The base URI tells you where a particular node came from.


Returns the local name of the node or nil if it is not available. e.g. the local name for the element <bk:book> is book.


Returns the qualified name of the current node. e.g. the qualified name for the element <bk:book> is bk:book.


Returns the namespace URI associated with the current node or nil if it has no associated namespace URI.


Returns the namespace prefix associated with the current node or nil if it is not available. e.g. the prefix for the element <bk:book> is bk.


Returns a string giving the current xml:lang scope.


Returns the text value of the current node or nil if not available.


Closes the xmlreader instance. Returns true or nil plus an error message.


Returns the value of the attribute with either the specifed qualified name, or the specified zero-based index of the attribute relative to the containing element. e.g. reader:get_attribute("id") or reader:get_attribute(0).

reader:get_attribute_ns(local_name, nsuri)

Returns the value of the attribute specified by the given local name and namespace URI.


Resolves the namespace prefix in the scope of the current element. Returns a string containing the namespace URI to which the prefix maps. Give the empty string to get the default namespace.

NOTE the convention is that if false is returned, the reader's position has not changed.


Moves the position of reader to the attribute with the specified qualified name or the specified zero-based index. Returns true in case of success and false if the attribute is not found.

reader:move_to_attribute_ns(localname, nsuri)

Moves the position of reader to the attribute with the specified local name and namespace URI. Returns true in case of success and false if the attribute is not found.


Moves the position of reader to the first attribute of the current node.
Returns true in case of success (the current node contains at least 1 attribute) otherwise false.


Moves the position of reader to the next attribute associated with the current node. Returns true if the position has been moved to the next attribute or false if there were no more attributes.


Moves to the node that contains the current attribute node. Returns true in case of success or false if the position is unchanged (reader was not positioned on an attribute node).

The following are extensions to the standard XmlReader API


Returns the current line number, or 0 if not available.


Returns the current column number, or 0 if not available.


Slkip to the node following the current one in document order while avoiding the subtree if any. Returns true if the node was reader successfully or false if there are no more nodes to read.


Returns a boolean indicating the validity status as retrieved from teh parser context.


Returns the XML version of the document being read as a string.


Returns a boolean indicating whether the document was declarated to be standalone.


Returns the current index of the parser used by the reader relative to the start of the current entity.

Valid parser options are:

xmlreader.from_file(filename [, encoding] [, options...])

Parse an XML file from the filesystem or the given URL.

xmlreader.from_string(str [, base_url] [, encoding] [, options...])

Creates an xmlreader object by parsing the given XML document.